

1. Wait


  • Wait here. (请在这里等候。)
  • I'm waiting for my turn. (我在等我的轮到我。)
  • 2. Await


  • We are awaiting the arrival of the guest of honor. (我们正在等待贵宾的到来。)
  • I am awaiting your response to my email. (我正在等待您对我的电子邮件的答复。)
  • 3. Hold on

    “Hold on”在口语中非常常见,通常用在电话或面对面交谈中,表示让对方等一下。例如:

  • Hold on, I'm just finishing up something. (稍等一下,我马上结束。)
  • Hold on while I get the keys. (稍等一下,我去拿钥匙。)
  • 4. Hang on

    “Hang on”和“hold on”很相似,但它也可以用作“坚持住”或“不要放弃”的非正式说法。例如:

  • Hang on, we're almost there. (坚持住,我们快到了。)
  • Don't hang on to the past, move forward. (不要沉湎于过去,向前看。)
  • 标签:等待,英语表达,wait,await,hold on,hang on

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