


1. 听录音,圈出你听到的单词。

(1) apple

(2) banana

(3) orange

2. 听录音,写出你听到的句子。

(1) I like apples.

(2) What's your favorite fruit?

(3) How are you?


1. 单项选择

(1) I am _______ a boy.

(A) a

(B) an

(2) What is _______ name?

(A) your

(B) you

(3) How _______ you?

(A) are

(B) is

2. 填空

(1) I like _______ (苹果).

(2) My favorite color is _______ (红色).

(3) I have _______ (两) pencils.

3. 阅读理解

(1) 阅读短文,回答问题。

My name is Tom. I am nine years old. I have a big family. I have a father, a mother, a sister, and a brother. My father is a doctor. My mother is a teacher. My sister is six years old. My brother is four years old.

(A) How old is Tom?

(B) What does Tom's father do?

(C) How many siblings does Tom have?

4. 写作

(1) 写一篇短文,介绍你自己。

My name is ______. I am ______ years old. I am in Grade ______. My favorite subject is ______. I like ______.

5. 口语表达

(2) 根据图片进行对话。



1. 单词拼写

(1) apple

(2) banana

(3) orange

2. 语法填空

(1) I _______ (be) a student.

(2) My father _______ (work) in a hospital.

(3) I like _______ (play) football.


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